This dad taught himself to style his daughter's hair - and is now passing his skill on to other fathers

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A single dad who taught himself how to style his daughter's hair is passing his skills onto other dads in the most brilliant way.

Philippe Morgese became a single father when his daughter Emma was just one. He realised pretty quickly he'd have to take on the role of hairdresser, and started simple with some basic hairclips and pigtails.

However, as Emma got older and her hair got longer, he needed to come up with styles that were a little more advanced, and taught himself to bun, braid, and a whole host of other hairstyling skills that ensured his girl had the best hairdo in town.

[facebook][/facebook] Philippe has taught himself to do plenty of different styles on Emma's long hair

People started to notice Emma's amazing updos and ask Philippe how he'd created them, and eventually the requests became so frequent that he decided to find a more formal way to pass on his skills.

He got in touch with International Academy, a local beauty school, and asked whether they might host a class for dads and their daughters to get to grips with the basics - and to his surprise, they said yes to opening up a space, free of charge.

The class Philippe organised was free to attend and even included a goody bag!

Philippe then passed on the saving by offering his teaching for free as well, advertising the classes on Facebook.

'I didn’t want any cost to anybody — I didn’t want to stop anyone from learning,' he told Buzzfeed News.

7 dad-and-daughter duos turned up, and they practised 'some basics with hair combing, ponytails, a bun, and a three-strand braid.'

The first class was a roaring success

After sharing the photos of his class on Reddit, Philippe's pictures have been viewed more than 2 million times.

He now has plans for even more classes, and you can find out the details on his Facebook page, Daddy Daughter Hair Factory - but sorry English readers, this hands-on dad is a Florida local.

Who knows, maybe one day he'll go global?

Do you know any quick tips for doing your kids' hair? Let us know in a comment below!


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