Heart knitting pattern

Have a go with this simple knitting pattern to make these adorable knitted hearts...

Make someone smile with this simple knitting pattern to make these adorable knitted hearts. Stuff them with lavender, trim them with flowers, or just keep them simple. Don't forget to check out our gallery of free knitting patterns, too!

Heart knitting pattern

Small heart: Small amount of 4-ply yarn; 2¾mm (No.12) knitting needles.

Medium heart: Small amount of DK yarn; 3¼mm (No.10) knitting needles.

Medium-to-large heart: 1 x 50g ball of DK yarn; 4mm (No.8) knitting needles.

Large heart: 1 x 100g ball of DK yarn; 5½mm (No.5) knitting needles.

All hearts: Selections of narrow ribbons, rosebud and beads trimmings (optional). Stuffing.

Abbreviations K, knit; p, purl; st, stitch; tog, together; skpo, slip 1, k1, pass slip st over; up1, pick up loop lying between sts and k into the back of it; ss, stocking stitch (k on right side and p on wrong side). 

Small heart knitting pattern

Using 2¾mm needles and 4-ply yarn, cast on 2 sts. Beginning with a k row, ss 2 rows. 1st increase row: K twice in first st, up1, k1 - 4 sts. P 1 row. 2nd increase row: K1, up1, k to last st, up1, k1. Repeat last 2 rows, 8 times more - 22 sts. Ss 3 rows, then work 2nd increase row again - 24 sts. Ss 4 rows. Dividing row: P12, turn and work on these sts only. Next row: K1, k2tog, k9. P 1 row. Next row: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, skpo, k1. Repeat last 2 rows, twice more - 5 sts. Next row: P1, p3tog, p1 - 3 sts. Cast off. With wrong side facing, rejoin yarn at inside edge to remaining 12 sts and p to end. Next row: K9, skpo, k1. P 1 row. Next row: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, skpo, k1. Repeat last 2 rows, twice more - 5 sts. Next row: P1, p3tog, p1 - 3 sts. Cast off. Make one more piece. Join pieces together, leaving an opening. Stuff firmly and close opening. Make a hanging loop at centre of heart. Add trimmings.

Medium heart knitting pattern

Using 3¼mm needles and DK yarn, work as given for small heart.

Medium-to-large heart knitting pattern

Using 4mm needles and two strands of DK yarn together, work as given for small heart.

Large heart knitting pattern

Using 5½mm needles and four strands of DK yarn together, work as given for small heart.


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