Lisa Riley proves she did NOT have a gastric band fitted after taking lie detector test on Loose Women

'I haven't lied and there is the proof.'

It's fair to say that Lisa Riley's weight loss has been nothing short of remarkable.

After losing almost 10 stone thanks to a complete lifestyle change, Lisa looks absolutely incredible.

But despite this amazing achievement, some people still refuse to believe she managed to lose all the weight by herself and insist she's had a gastric band fitted.

The rumours that she's had medical help with her weight loss have been reported all over the media, and today Lisa decided enough was enough.

The Emmerdale actress appeared on Loose Women to hear the results of a lie detector test she had taken to quash the false allegations around her slimming.

Speaking to the rest of the panel about how people have reacted to her drastic weight loss, she said: '93% are hugely supportive and I'm desperately grateful for all the support I've had because it helps me on'.

However, she did admit that not everyone had been so kind after being trolled online by those who believed she had medical help. 'What's happened is the other few percent, and it's getting more and more and more as time goes on, is they're calling me a liar', she continued.

'I don't have to lie and what I've done is such, what I think is a really good achievement.

'All I want to do is help other women and men. The proof that if I can do it the natural way, as I've done it day in day out, then please if you want to get on the same bandwagon as me, join me.'

Lisa added that she found it upsetting how many of the false accusations over her supposed gastric band came from other women, saying: 'I think as women we should be looking out for each other and if someone's done good, tell them. Don't knock someone down.'

But in order to stop the criticism over her weight loss, Lisa agreed to have a lie detector test, with the results revealed live on today's show.

She was asked three questions: 1. Have you ever undergone liposuction? 2. Have you ever been fitted with a gastric band? 3. Have you ever had any form of bariatric (weight loss) surgery?

Lisa answered 'no' to all three questions and the results (which have 97-98% accuracy rates) revealed she was telling the truth. When asked about the result Lisa said she felt 'Amazing. Just such a sense of relief and I'm just praying, honestly for once and for all we draw a line underneath. I haven't lied and there is the proof.'

Fans of the actress have since been sending her their messages of support, with many saying it's a shame she felt she had to prove it in the first place.

Fellow panellist Anne Diamond opened up about her own gastric band, which she had fitted in Belgium 10 years ago to help keep the surgery a secret. She said she wanted to keep it hidden due to the stigma surrounding the procedure.

Speaking about her decision, she said: 'In this country the way it was about this occasionally in the press it was as if it was black magic'.

But Anne's secret was revealed after someone in the hospital, whom Anne believed to be having the same surgery, rang the newspapers.

Lisa added her support to gastric band users, saying that it's definitely not a 'cheat' to lose weight, saying: 'People who have had gastric bands, brilliant and lost weight, good on you. I'm rooting for all of you'.

Anne agreed, adding that people should not look down on those with gastric bands as the important thing is just to be healthy.

'If it's worked for you it's not a cheat, it's about you becoming healthy again', she said.

We think Lisa looks absolutely incredible and her weight loss story is really inspiring. Let's hope this lie detector test will finally silence the rumours once and for all!

Family Writer

Charlotte Whistlecroft is a former Family writer at GoodTo. She obtained a BA in Theology and Theological Studies at Durham University, going on to study a masters at City University London in 2016. Since leaving GoodTo she has worked as a Social Video Researcher at Mail Online and is now Assistant Producer at BBC Sport.