Angel Delight ice lollies recipe

(164 ratings)

Angel Delight ice lollies make a refreshing treat on a hot summer’s day! These ice pops are so simple to make taking only 10 mins prep plus freezing

Preparation Time10 mins plus freezing time
Cost RangeCheap

Angel Delight ice lollies make a refreshing treat on a hot summer’s day! You only need a few ingredients and you're set to go. They take just a few minutes to make, so you can easily get the kids involved, as they will have great fun pouring and whisking! Add fruit to make these ice lollies a little more healthy. The variations are endless; have fun with it! They're so easy to make because they don't require anything other than milk and your chosen fruity extras. You don't need to add sugar, flavourings or colours to them, they're just ready to go! They make the perfect refreshing treat for kids on a hot day, so make sure you've got some in the freezer ready to eat!


  • 1 sachet Angel Delight (47g), in your chosen flavour
  • 300ml milk
  • small quantity of fruit, (for example, if using banana flavour Angel Delight, add a banana)




  1. Ask your little helper to help measure the milk into a measuring jug, then pour the milk into a medium-sized mixing bowl.
  2. Pour the sachet of Angel Delight into the milk. Pass a whisk to your child and set them to work. They need to keep whisking until the milk and Angel Delight powder are combined and any lumps are gone. However, don't whisk too much as the mixture should remain runny.
  3. Resist eating the Angel Delight straight from the bowl and instead use a spoon to carefully transfer it into your ice lolly moulds. If you're going to add fruit, don't fill right to the top of the moulds.
  4. Your child can use a table knife to slice up any soft fruit, such as banana and strawberries. Add them to the ice lolly mould and push them down into the Angel Delight with the table knife, so that you get pieces throughout the lollies.
  5. Place the ice lolly mould into the freezer for at least 2 hours or until the ice lollies are frozen.
  6. Take the ice lollies out of the freezer 15-20 minutes before you are ready to eat them. This will allow them to soften so that they can easily be removed from the moulds.
Top Tip for making Angel Delight ice lollies

These ice pops are perfect for parties in the summer months - the more lolly moulds you have, the more you can make.

Anneliese Giggins
Freelance food writer

Author, writer and Mum of three, Anneliese Giggins has been creating recipes for for the past 9 years. She has also created food-related content for household names such as Daily Mail, Daily Express and Her most successful to date was how to feed a family of 4 on £20 a week