Our online book club is live: welcome to GoodtoRead

Online book club for busy mums is here... welcome to #GoodtoRead

Online Book Club GoodtoRead
(Image credit: Future)


Our new online book club for 2023 is here - welcome to GoodtoRead!

As a mum of three and Consumer Editor of Goodto, I know that finding time to read anything - except board books and endless school emails - can feel impossible when you’re a parent. 

But I also know that few things de-stress me quite as well as curling up with an unputdownable paperback - when I get the chance. 

So we're launching GoodtoRead for those of you who, like me, are determined to read more this year but struggle to find the time to go to the bathroom alone, never mind join a book club. 

What is #GoodToRead?

GoodtoRead is our online book club for busy mums created by me, Heidi Scrimgeour, Consumer Editor of Goodto.com.

We get piles of press releases, here at Goodto HQ, about soon-to-be-published books. So, each month I’ll wade through them to choose my online book club monthly must-read. 

All you have to do is buy or borrow the book and read along with us each month. 

And if you fancy telling us what you think of that month's book, you can share your thoughts on our social channels using the hashtag #GoodtoRead or even submit a review and we'll publish the best ones right here on Goodto.com.

How does #GoodtoRead work?


  • Buy or borrow the book. 
  • Read it. 
  • Submit your review on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #GoodtoRead 

We'll publish the best reviews at the end of each month when we'll also announce the next month's book.

This means we'll announce February's book at the end of January.

We'll share the best reader reviews of February's book at the start of March too. 

We also plan to feature author interviews, book giveaways, and exclusive online events as part of our brand new online book club.

How do I join in with #GoodtoRead?

Check out each month's #GoodtoRead book choice right here - we'll update this post each month - and join us in the challenge of reading it before the month is over and the next book is announced.

In February we'll be reading Mother Power: A Feminist’s Guide to Motherhood by Poppy O’Neill. 

The front cover of Mother Power: A Feminist's Guide to Motherhood by Poppy O'Neill

(Image credit: Summersdale)

This is a parenting guide that you'll find yourself reaching for again and again. It's all about how to look after your own well-being and why doing so can make you a better parent. It's an empowering but easy read and it's packed with thought-provoking ideas and simple but impactful wisdom including:

  • How to honour your own needs with a positive, guilt-free attitude to self-care 
  • Trusting your gut when it comes to knowing what’s best for your child 
  • How to stop comparing yourself, your children, and your parenting style to others
  • Growing your support network of honest mums 
  • Setting a positive example of self-care for your child

A smiling woman lies on a beanbag reading a book while her child sleeps peacefully nearby

(Image credit: Future)

What's the next #GoodtoRead book choice?

Each month's book will be announced on this page. 

Our first #GoodtoRead book club choice is Mother Power: A Feminist’s Guide to Motherhood by Poppy O’Neill, published by Summersdale and available now for pre-order now (£10.99).

March’s book will be announced in the last week of February so you’ll have plenty of time to buy or borrow it and read along.

*Comments submitted using #GoodtoRead will be considered for publication.

Heidi Scrimgeour
Deputy Editor

Heidi is a seasoned parenting journalist with over 15 years of experience. She has contributed to numerous UK national newspapers, including The Guardian, The Times, and The Telegraph. Her work has also appeared in a variety of print and digital magazines, such as Psychologies and Mother & Baby, where she was Shopping Editor for six years. In this role, she specialised in consumer features, including buying guides and baby gear reviews. Heidi is also mum to two teenage sons and a ten-year-old daughter.