Broad bean and brown rice salad recipe

(62 ratings)

Our broad bean salad recipe is so easy. Enjoy the taste of summer vegetables with this delicious broad bean and rice salad. So quick and simple to make

  • healthy
  • Low-fat
  • Nut-free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • healthy
Preparation Time5 mins
Cooking Time12 mins
Total Time17 mins
Cost RangeCheap
Nutrition Per PortionRDA
Calories211 Kcal11%
Fat5.5 g8%
Saturated Fat1 g5%

These fabulous summer beans are at their best in this speedy salad.

Broad bean and brown rice salad is bursting with summer flavours. We've used a mix of herbs, but try to include fresh mint in there - it really lifts the flavour of the beans. This salad especially delicious with fresh broad beans, which are in season from June to September in the UK. You can even grow your own - they're easy to look after and low maintenance. You can also get varieties that grow in pots, if you're short on space. Don't worry if you're making this out of season though - you can use frozen broad beans and they will still taste great. This salad is delicious served with falafel and, for non-vegan diners, a sprinkling of chopped feta.


  • 250g (8oz) broad beans
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • Pinch of saffron, optional
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • ½ tsp ground cumin
  • 150ml (¼ pint) good vegetable or chicken stock
  • 250g pack of ready-cooked microwave brown rice
  • 6 tbsp freshly chopped mixed herbs (such as parsley, coriander, chives, and mint)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Lemon juice, optional
  • Rocket leaves, to serve




  1. Put the beans in a pan with the garlic, oil, saffron, if using, spices and the stock. Bring to a simmer, half-cover and cook for 10-12 mins.
  2. Cook the rice, according to pack instructions. Tip into a bowl.
  3. Add the beans with the stock left in the pan, then mix in the herbs and seasoning. Add some lemon juice, too, if you like. Top with rocket leaves.

Top tips for making broad bean and brown rice salad

We've served these beans in their pods, but older beans can be a little leathery on the outside. In this case, blanch them for two minutes in boiling water, then transfer to cold water and pop them out of their skins to reveal the emerald green bean inside. 1kg (2¼lb) fresh broad beans in their pods will yield about 425g (15oz) beans.

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Octavia Lillywhite
Food and Lifestyle Writer

Octavia Lillywhite is an award-winning food and lifestyle journalist with over 15 years of experience. With a passion for creating beautiful, tasty family meals that don’t use hundreds of ingredients or anything you have to source from obscure websites, she’s a champion of local and seasonal foods, using up leftovers and composting, which, she maintains, is probably the most important thing we all can do to protect the environment.