Low-fat Maltesers mousse recipe

(1307 ratings)

Our low-fat Maltesers mousse marries a delicious creamy mousse with the crackling crunch of Maltesers - and it won't spoil your healthy eating plan.

Low-fat Maltesers mousse
  • Low-fat
Preparation Time15 mins
Cooking Time10 mins
Total Time25 mins (plus 30 mins chilling time)
Cost RangeCheap

This low-fat Maltesers mousse is a revelation - with no butter, egg yolks or cream used at all.

If you need an indulgent pudding in double-quick time and you'd prefer something that's not too hard on the waistline, try this marvellous Maltesers mousse. It's made with egg whites, folded together with just enough sugar and chocolate, keeping it light and delicious. The crushed Maltesers are stirred through the mousse, with half reserved to go on the top as well, for extra crunchiness. The whole thing takes less than half an hour to make (plus another 30 minutes to chill) and is one of our favourite speedy low calorie desserts.


  • 4 egg whites
  • 70g sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 50g dark chocolate, broken into squares
  • 37g Maltesers, crushed (holding half back for the top)




  1. Melt the chocolate in a large heat-proof bowl over simmering water (making sure that the base of the bowl doesn't touch the water) until the chocolate has completely melted. Set aside to cool.
  2. Whisk the egg whites, sugar and salt in a large mixing bowl until stiff peak have formed.
  3. Beat about a third of the egg whites into the cool chocolate mixture. You don't have to be delicate here: it's just a case of introducing the egg whites to the chocolate roughly.
  4. Tip the Maltesers into the bowl and lightly crush. Hold a few back for a garnish and fold the rest into the chocolate and egg white mixture.
  5. Next, delicately fold the second third of the egg whites into the bubbly chocolate mixture until well incorporated and it gets lighter.
  6. Finally, when all the white air pockets have gone, fold in the remaining third of egg whites into the chocolate mixture and repeat the delicate folding in technique until the mixture is a uniform texture and colour.
  7. Pour the mousse into individual cups or glasses and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  8. Scatter with the crushed Maltesers before serving.

Top tip for making low-fat Maltesers mousse

Eggs whites are at the 'stiff peaks' stage when you can pull the beater out of the mixture and the egg white peak doesn't droop.

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Octavia Lillywhite
Food and Lifestyle Writer

Octavia Lillywhite is an award-winning food and lifestyle journalist with over 15 years of experience. With a passion for creating beautiful, tasty family meals that don’t use hundreds of ingredients or anything you have to source from obscure websites, she’s a champion of local and seasonal foods, using up leftovers and composting, which, she maintains, is probably the most important thing we all can do to protect the environment.