Calories in fruit

We only really tend to take note of calories in fatty foods, but what about some of the healthier foods we eat, like fruit? Find out how many calories are in your favourite fruits...

calories in fruit

We only really tend to take note of calories in fatty foods, but what about some of the healthier foods we eat, like fruit? Find out how many calories are in your favourite fruits...

We only really tend to take note of calories in fatty foods or when we're eating out, but what about some of the healthier foods we eat at home?

Take fruit, for example. We all know that fruit is good for us, it's full of vitamins and antioxidants and has all sorts of health benefits. Fruit is an essential part of a calorie-controlled diet to lose weight. It makes a great alternative sugary snack to chocolate and sweets.

We don't tend to think of fruit as having a big calorie count, but have you ever considered the calories in fruit? Do you top your cereal with bananas and strawberries without a thought to the calories inside? And if you're baking a fruit pie, have you ever thought about the least calorific fruits to use?

We've revealed the calories in fruit, so if you've always wondered how many calories are in a banana, the amount of calories in grapes, the amount of calories in strawberries, or any of your other favourite fruits, then we've got the answers.

See which of your favourite fruits have got the lowest calorie count and which have the highest, some of them might surprise you...

Calories in kiwi

calories in fruit kiwi

Kiwis are great for you as they're rich in minerals, and although they're not usually the fruit associated with vitamin C, they actually contain more of this than oranges! So, how many calories in a kiwi? Calories per kiwi: 34 Per 100g of kiwi Calories: 61 Fat: 0.5g Sugar: 9g

Calories in blueberries

Blueberries are gorgeous on top of your favourite cereal or in a muffin, but they're really beneficial for your health too. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and are a great brain food. But what about the calories in blueberries? Calories per half cup of blueberries: 42 Per 100g of blueberries Calories: 57 Fat: 0.3g Sugar: 10g

Calories in pineapple

Full of vitamin C, vitamin A and calcium, pineapple is delicious and makes a healthy alternative to sugary treats, with its natural sherberty taste. It's pretty good for your diet too, here are the essential facts. Calories per thick slice of pineapple: 50 Per 100g of pineapple Calories: 50 Fat: 0.1g Sugar: 10g

Calories in grapefruit

The original superfood, grapefruit makes a quick and easy breakfast and is equally as delicious when juiced. There's no wonder why it's such a popular diet food, just look at that low calorie count! Calories per grapefruit: 100 Per 100g of grapefruit Calories: 42 Fat: 0.1g Sugar: 7g

Calories in orange

Eating just one orange can give you your recommended daily amount of vitamin C, which keeps bones strong and healthy and can reduce inflammation. So what about calories in an orange? Calories per orange: 65 Per 100g of orange Calories: 47 Fat: 0.1g Sugar: 9g

Calories in apple

Probably the most commonly eaten fruit in the UK, apples are ready-made snacks with their crunchy, juicy flesh and variety of flavours - from sour to sweet. Ever wondered how they compare to your other favourite fruits for your diet? Calories per apple: 95 Per 100g of apple Calories: 52 Fat: 0.2g Sugar: 10g

Calories in banana

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is beneficial in many ways: it helps regulate blood pressure and calcium loss in the urine. Bananas also contain high levels of vitamin B and help prevent cramp when you're exercising. But how many calories are in a banana? Calories per banana: 107 Per 100g of bananas Calories: 89 Fat: 0.3g Sugar: 12g

Calories in cherries

Cherries might not be your first choice when it comes to a fruity snack but they're really good for you and are low in calories. Cherries contain melatonin, which is the hormone associated with sleep, so if you suffer with sleep problems these are a great fruity treat for you. So, how many calories in cherries? Calories per handful of cherries (roughly 14): 33 Per 100g of cherries Calories: 63 Fat: 0.2g Sugar: 13g

Calories in grapes


Grapes can do far more than just make good wine - they're good for you, plus they're really low in calories so are a good option for those who are dieting. Grapes help fight cholestrol and protect your heart. How many calories are in grapes?

Calories per half cup of grapes (roughly 16): 48 Per 100g of red or white grapes Calories: 69 Fat: 0.2g Sugar: 15g - highest sugar!

Calories in necterine

Sweet and similar to peaches, nectarines are a healthy source of B-complex vitamins and minerals. Pop one in your packed lunch, knowing they're fairly low in calories and are sure to perk you up with their natural sugar levels. Calories per small nectarine: 57 Per 100g of nectarine Calories: 44 Fat: 0.3g Sugar: 8g

Calories in papaya

calories in fruit papaya

This soft and sweet tropical fruit is becoming more and more widely available in British supermarkets and tastes like a holiday breakfast in the sun! Containing enzymes to aid digestion, papaya makes the perfect pud after a meal. What's the calorie damage?

Calories per cup of cubed papaya: 55 Per 100g of papaya Calories: 47 Fat: 0.1g Sugar: 9g

Calories in pear

Pears are full of vitamin C and copper, which are both great antioxidants. Plus they've proven to have cancer-fighting properties. How many calories in a pear? Calories per pear: 45 Per 100g of pear Calories: 57 Fat: 0.1g Sugar: 10g

Calories in plum

Plums, particularly yellow ones, are rich in vitamin A which is great for eye sight, and vitamin K, which has been shown to reduce Alzheimers. Are you convinced yet? You will be when you read the amount of calories in a plum...

Calories per plum: 25 Per 100g of plums Calories: 46 Fat: 0.3g Sugar: 10g

Calories in tangerines

calories in fruit tangerines

We love these mini orange-like fruits for a quick energy boost. They're full of vitamin C and contain anti-viral qualities, which is why they're so good when you're feeling under the weather.

Calories per tangerine: 26 Per 100g of tangerines Calories: 53 Fat: 0.3g Sugar: 11g

Calories in strawberries

Not only are strawberries incredibly tast but they're good for you. They are a great antioxidant and help keep your heart regulated. But what about the calories in strawberries?

Calories per cup of strawberries (roughly 7): 19 Per 100g of strawberries Calories: 33 - lowest calories! Fat: 0.3g Sugar: 4.9g

Calories in blackberries

calories in fruit blackberries

Pick these beauties from countryside hedges while they're in season to get a good dose of bioflavonoids and vitamin C. They won't do much damage to your waistline either, with these stats.

Calories per half cup of blackberries (roughly 14): 14 Per 100g of blackberries Calories: 43 Fat: 0.4g Sugar: 4.9g

Calories in raspberries

With a pretty cool collection of vitamins and minerals, some people call raspberries a superfood. They'll boost your manganese and vitamin C levels while also providing fibre to your diet. Here's what they'll cost you in the calories department.

Calories per half cup of raspberries (roughly 14): 15 Per 100g of raspberries Calories: 53 Fat: 0.6g Sugar: 4.4g - lowest sugar!

Calories in mango

Mangos are really great for healthy digestion. They're high in fibre and enzymes that help the digestive system, but how many calories in a mango?

Calories per cup of cubed mango: 99 Per 100g of mango Calories: 60 Fat: 0.4g Sugar: 14g

Calories in passionfruit

Passion fruit is one of the best tropical fruits to aid in the leveling of blood pressure. Containing 348mg of potassium which balances sodium levels in the body and may lower your risk of heart disease or strokes. Here's how many calories, fat and sugar they contain.

Calories per passion fruit: 17 Per 100g of passion fruit Calories: 97 - highest calories! Fat: 0.7g - highest fat! Sugar: 11g

Calories in peach

Give your skin a healthy glow by adding peaches to your diet while they're in season, during the warmer summer months. The combination of vitamin C and A are well known to help regenerate skin tissue, which is why you'll often see peach extracts in cosmetics. So, how low in calories are these little beauties?

Calories per peach: 35 Per 100g of peach Calories: 39 Fat: 0.2g Sugar: 8g

Calories in melom

Cut into wedges, melon makes great finger food and low-fat snacking. With high levels of vitamin A, do yourself a favour by adding this to your list of regular fruits. Here are the levels of calories, fats and sugars.

Calories per wedge of cantaloupe melon: 25 Per 100g of cantaloupe melon Calories: 34 Fat: 0.2g Sugar: 8g

How many calories are there in fruit?

calories in fruit

We only really tend to take note of calories in fatty foods or when we're eating out, but what about some of the healthier foods we eat at home?

Take fruit, for example. We all know that fruit is good for us, it's full of vitamins and antioxidants and has all sorts of health benefits. Plus fruit makes a great alternative sugary snack to chocolate and sweets.

We don't tend to think of fruit as having a big calorie count, but have you ever considered the calories in fruit? Do you top your cereal with bananas and strawberries without a thought to the calories inside? And if you're baking a fruit pie, have you ever thought about the least calorific fruits to use?

We've revealed the calories in fruit, so if you've always wondered how many calories are in a banana, the amount of calories in grapes, the amount of calories in strawberries, or any of your other favourite fruits, then we've got the answers.

See which of your favourite fruits have got the lowest calorie count and which have the highest, some of them might surprise you...

Jessica Dady
Food Editor

Jessica Dady is Food Editor at GoodtoKnow and has over 12 years of experience as a digital editor, specialising in all things food, recipes, and SEO. From the must-buy seasonal food hampers and advent calendars for Christmas to the family-friendly air fryers that’ll make dinner time a breeze, Jessica loves trying and testing various food products to find the best of the best for the busy parents among us. Over the years of working with GoodtoKnow, Jessica has had the privilege of working alongside Future’s Test Kitchen to create exclusive videos - as well as writing, testing, and shooting her own recipes. When she’s not embracing the great outdoors with her family at the weekends, Jessica enjoys baking up a storm in the kitchen with her favourite bakes being chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, and a tray of gooey chocolate brownies