Animal-inspired baby names: 200 of the cutest animal names
Could baby Bear have triggered a trend?

Animal-inspired baby names is a trend that's fast catching on... would you choose Fox, Sparrow or Bambi?
While cute baby names top the most popular baby name lists as do the best unisex baby names, parents are now finding inspiration from Royal family and the animal kingdom for a baby name.
And, with an influx of star-studded babies being named after animals it’s no surprise that the trend for animal baby names is catching on outside of the A-list world. From Cheryl Cole’s baby Bear to Kate Price’s, Bunny, animal-themed names are becoming more and more popular. This increase in animal-inspired names has led experts to believe that the trend is set to take off.
Baby naming expert Abby from Appellation Mountain has a personal reason for loving an animal name – her daughter’s middle name is Wren. She also believes that the imagery of animal names will mean they’re not going anywhere soon. “We love to dismiss animal-themed baby names as celebrity indulgences, but they can be great choices,” she told And baby name Wrenlee is on the fastest-growing list on the most popular US baby names list.
“Fox and Wren fit right in with more traditional nature names, like Leo and Rose. Animal themed-names offer an immediate, appealing image - Bear can be cuddly and fierce, while cheerful Lark flies high. As a bonus, they're unusual names that everyone can pronounce and spell. Borrowing from the animal kingdom is a trend we'll hear more of - and not just for famous families.”
If you’re looking for more unique baby names, take a look at our animal-inspired baby names and see if one of these could work for your little human bundle of joy!
Animal-inspired names for boys
Ander Origin: Scandinavian, Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: An-dur Meaning: This is a strong name for any little baby boy as it means lion man – roar!
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Ant Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ant Meaning: A shortened version of Anthony, this classic boy’s name means priceless one.
Ari Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-ree Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this short and sweet unisex name means lion of God.
Aries Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Air-eez Meaning: A great name for a boy born in the sign of Aries - from March 21 to April 19 – it’s the sign of the ram.
Arnold Origin: English, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ar-nold Meaning: This old-fashioned name is gaining in popularity and is perfect for any twitchers out there as it means powerful eagle.
Artemis Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ar-ti-mus Meaning: A mythological name, Artemis was not only the Greek god of animals, but was also the god of hunting. A unisex name, Artemis Fowl is a popular children’s literary character.
Arthur Origin: Celtic | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ahr-thur Meaning: The legendary King Arthur first made the name popular in the Middle Ages but more recently, it’s enjoying a second resurgence. This popular baby name means bear.
Auberon Origin: English, German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Augh-ber-on Meaning: For those parents looking for a more unique animal baby name, this one hits the spot. It means bear-like and noble, which gives it a very regal feel.
Averett Origin: English, German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Aver-ett Meaning: Originally a surname in Anglo Saxon times, this unusual baby name means brave, strong boar.
Bear Origin: French, German | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Aver-ett Meaning: Animal-inspired baby names seem very popular with celebrity parents - and bear is top of their animal list, with both Kate Winslet and Cheryl Cole choosing this super furry name for their baby boys. A mixture of cute and masculine, not surprisingly it means strong, brave bear.
Beckett Origin: English, Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bek-it Meaning: Rich in literary associations via the Irish playwright Samuel Beckett, this unique boy’s name means beehive, little brook or bee cottage!
Benno Origin: German | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Benn-oh Meaning: A name with history – Saint Benno was around in the tenth century. It means bear and is often used as nickname for boys named Benjamin.
Boyne Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Boin Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this super cool boy’s name means white cow – but it also references the famous Battle of the Boyne in Ireland, which vanquished the Catholic king.
Brayden Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bray-dun Meaning: Originally an Irish surname, this name is great for any fish lovers, as it means salmon.
Brock Origin: English, Celtic | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Brok Meaning: Brock is old English for badger. Can also be spelt in the Gaelic way, Broc.
Buck Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Brok Meaning: While Buck may sound like an American name, it originates in England and is a term for a male deer. In the 18th century, it was also a name for a fashionable fellow!
Callum Origin: Scottish, Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kal-um Meaning: This peaceful name means dove. Derived from Latin Columba, Callum was popular among early Christians because the dove was a symbol of purity and peace.
Cane Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ke-in Meaning: Cane is literally the masculine for dog in Italian, however it’s pronounced can-ee. A variation of this name, Cain, comes from Hebrew and means spear or possessed.
Channing Origin: English, Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Chan-ning Meaning: A unisex name, it’s become more popular in recent years thanks to actor Channing Tatum. A surname name it means wolf cub.
Charles Origin: French, German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Char-ul-z Meaning: While this royal name it means free man, the King Charles spaniel is the 10th most popular dog in the UK according to YouGov.
Colt Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kolt Meaning: This one-syllable name is great for any horse-loving parents out there – it’s a term for a young horse.
Conan Origin: Irish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Koh-nan Meaning: While it may be more associated with barbarians or US chat show hosts, this boy’s name has much cuter meaning - little wolf!
Corvin Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Cor-vin Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this variation of Corbin, means raven or crow.
Cricket Origin: Dutch, English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Krik-it Meaning: This unusual unisex name, is not only the name of an insect, but also that classic Disney character Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio. Actress Busy Philipps chose this sweet name for her youngest daughter Cricket.
Dane Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dayn Meaning: While this unisex name comes from old English describing someone from Denmark, it’s also a breed of dog! The Great Dane is one of the largest domestic dog breeds and is the breed of detective dog, Scooby Doo!
Daysam Origin: Arabic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Day-zam Meaning: The word daysam is Arabic for baby bear or baby fox, but would also make a really unique boy’s name.
Dillon Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dil-lon Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go this unisex name has Irish roots and means lion. The Welsh variant is spelt Dylan and means something different – son of the sea.
Dingo Origin: Australian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Din-goh Meaning: If you want an animal-inspired baby name that stands out, go for this one! The dingo is an Australian wild dog.
Donald Origin: Scottish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Don-ald Meaning: This traditionally Scottish name (anyone remember the song Donald, Where's Yer Troosers?) means proud chief, however, it’s also the name of the most famous ducks in the world!
Dov Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dov Meaning: A common name in Israel, this short and sweet boy’s name means bear.
Drake Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dreyk Meaning: The name for a male duck, it’s become more popular for boys since the rise of rapper Drake (whose real name is actually Aubrey!)
Draco Origin: Greek, Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dray-co Meaning: One for Harry Potter fans, this modern name actually means dragon.
Eanna Origin: Irish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: E-ian-a Meaning: This animal-inspired name derives from Middle Irish Gaelic and means bird-like.
Eilir Origin: Welsh | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ey-Lih-Rh Meaning: A pretty and unusual name for both boys and girls, Eilir, means butterfly.
Everett Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Eh-vuh-rett Meaning: A retro name that has potential for both genders, it comes from Germany and means brave as a wild boar.
Falcon Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Fal-con Meaning: Animal-inspired baby names and Bird names are on the rise, and nothing is more powerful than a falcon!
Felix Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Fee-lix Meaning: A joyful name, Felix means happy or fortunate. Felix was also the name of a cartoon cat that came to fame during the silent film era.
Finch Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Fin-ch Meaning: Not only is Finch a lovely animal-inspired name, but it also has literary ties as well. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Finch was the surname of Atticus, Jem, and Scout. It means to swindle.
Fox Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Fox Meaning: Initially popularised by the character Fox Mulder on The X Files in the early ‘90s, this cute animal name would suit either gender.
Gavin Origin: Celtic | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Gav-in Meaning: Gavin may have associations with sitcoms in the UK, but it’s actually a legitimate bird name, meaning white hawk.
Giles Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jiles Meaning: An animal-inspired name that comes from the Latin ‘qaegidius’, which means young goat.
Griffin Origin: Welsh | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Griff-in Meaning: While this unisex name means strong lord, a griffin is also the name of a half eagle, half lion mythological creature.
Hart Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Hart Meaning: A romantic sounding name, this old English word means stag.
Haydar Origin: Arabic | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Hay-darr Meaning: There are over 500 words for lion in Arabic – and Haydar is just one of them!
Hector Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Hek-tuh Meaning: The name comes from hektor, which means steadfast in Greek, however in Scottish, its meaning is horse.
Hershel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Her-schul Meaning: A truly unique name for a boy that means deer.
Hopper Origin: Welsh | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Hop-pur Meaning: While Hopper may derive from Welsh meaning son of Robert, it’s also the name for a baby locust – yes, really!
Ibis Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Eye-bis Meaning: This unique unisex animal inspired name comes from the name of the bird – a long-legged wader. It also has connections with Egypt where the ibis was the symbol of the god Thoth.
Iorek Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Yor-rick Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this was made up name by Philip Pullman for His Dark Trilogy, Iorek Byrnison is king of the armoured bears from Svalbard and a companion to heroine Lyra.
Jack Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jak Meaning: A diminutive of John, Jack means God is gracious. So, what does that have to do with the animal world? Not only is a Jack a type of fish but there is also the dog breed, Jack Russell!
Jaguar Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jag-u-ar Meaning: An animal name that will definitely help your little boy stand out of the crowd!
Jamal Origin: Arabic | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Juh-mahl Meaning: While this lovely name means handsome or beauty, it’s also Arabic for camel!
Jay Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jay Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this unisex name may sound modern, but it was first popular back in the 18th century and means jaybird.
Jerry Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jair-ree Meaning: A diminutive of Gerald or Jerome, Jerry means ruler with the spear. Jerry was also the famous mouse part of the cartoon duo Tom and Jerry.
Joey Origin: Hebrew | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jo-ee Meaning: This unisex name is a shortened version of Josephine or Joseph and means he will add. It’s also the name for a young kangaroo.
Jonah Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jo-nah Meaning: A biblical name that means dove. Jonah was also the name of the Old Testament prophet who was swallowed by a whale only to emerge three days later!
Kaleb Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kay-leb Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this Hebrew name means tenacious, aggressive or dog!
Laith Origin: Arabic, Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ley-th Meaning: While the Scottish origins of this name originate from a village in Aberdeenshire called Leslie, in Arabic this unusual boy’s name means lion – roar!
Leo Origin: Latin, German | Style: Boho| Pronunciation: Lee-oh Meaning: Leo – which means lion - dates to Roman times, when it was a popular name for popes, saints, emperors and kings.
Lenny Origin: English, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Len-ee Meaning: A much more modern diminutive of Leonard, this cute unisex name means brave lion.
Lionel Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lye-null Meaning: What a better name for your little cub than Lionel, which means young lion! The football Messi is probably one of the most famous Lionel’s around today.
Lonan Origin: Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Lo-nan Meaning: An Irish name of many an early saint, it means blackbird.
Lowell Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Low-ell Meaning: A popular name back in the ‘30s, this French name has a distinctively modern feel to it and means young wolf.
Lyall Origin: Norse | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ly-al Meaning: Originally a surname, Lyall comes from the old Norse ‘liulfr’, which means wolf.
Lynx Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lin-x Meaning: If you’re looking for something a bit different to the regular lion-related names, why not go for this big cat name, which works well for both genders.
Namir Origin: Hebrew | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Nah-meer Meaning: This Israeli name means leopard.
Neko Origin: Japanese | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Neh-co Meaning: A lovely feline name that works well for boys or girls, it’s Japanese for cat – miaow!
Nemo Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Nee-moh Meaning: A name that goes way back, it means nobody. It’s also the name of the clownfish in the Disney movie, Finding Nemo and the name of President Macrons dog.
Madden Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mad-en Meaning: An Irish surname that has transitioned to a funky first name, it means little dog.
Marley Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mar-lee Meaning: Despite being a ghost in Dicken's A Christmas Carol, this unisex name means pleasant meadow. It was also the name of the loveable dog in Jennifer Aniston comedy Marley and Me.
Manu Origin: Polynesian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Mah-noo Meaning: While this name has many meanings in different cultures and languages, in Tahitian it means bird.
Marlin Origin: Welsh | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Marr-lin Meaning: As well as being a fish, Marlin means land near the lake so perfect for anyone with a love of water.
Marshall Origin: French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mar-shall Meaning: While not directly an animal name, Marshall means the one who looks after horses. It is also the name of the Dalmatian puppy in Paw Patrol!
Mathan Origin: Scottish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ma-than Meaning: No, it’s not a misspelling of Nathan, this unusual boy’s name means bear in Gaelic.
Mickey Origin: Hebrew | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Mick-ee Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this unisex name means who is like God, it’s also the moniker of one of the most famous mouses of all time – Mickey!
Oisin Origin: Gaelic | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Oh-sheen Meaning: While it might not an obvious name when it comes to pronunciation, this Irish name has the cutest meaning – little deer or fawn. The original Oisin was the mythological son of Finn McCool.
Orson Origin: Latin, French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Or-sun Meaning: Originally made famous by movie director Orson Welles in the 1940s, Orson means bear cub.
Oscar Origin: English, Irish | Style: Classic| Pronunciation: Os-skuh Meaning: The Irish form of this popular boy's name translates as deer-loving.
Pascal Origin: English, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Pas-kal Meaning: A chic name, which works well for any spring-time boy as it means Easter child. It’s also the name of the Rapunzel’s lizard in Disney’s Tangled!
Perry Origin: English, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Peh-ree Meaning: This unisex name means either pear tree or dweller near a pear tree. It’s also the name of the platypus in hit kid’s TV show, Phineas and Ferb.
Phelan Origin: Irish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fay-lan Meaning: A name that will help your little boy stand out of the animal crowd, this Irish name means like a wolf.
Philip Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Fil-lip Meaning: A very royal name thanks to Prince Philip, the Greek meaning of this classic name is lover of horses.
Raoul Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Rah-ool Meaning: A variation of Ralph with added oo-la-la, it means wolf counsel.
Ray Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ray Meaning: A short unisex name that means beam of light, a ray is also a fish, a type of flattened shark with wings and a long tail.
Rex Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: R-ex Meaning: A short regal name, which means king. A Rex is also a type of cat that is covered in a sot down instead of fur.
Robin Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Robb-in Meaning: This gender-neutral name (which can also be spelt Robyn) means bright or fame and is also of course, the ultimate Christmas bird!
Rolly Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Roll-ee Meaning: A shortened version of Roland, which means famous throughout the land, it was also the name of one of the puppies in 101 Dalmatians.
Ronan Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ro-nan Meaning: An old name that has come back into popularity in recent years, perhaps thanks to the likes of Ronan Keating. It means little seal.
Roscoe Origin: Norse | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ros-coe Meaning: This charming unisex baby name has an even more charming meaning – deer forest.
Sebastian Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Se-bas-tian Meaning: A classic Greek name meaning revered or venerable, it’s also the name of that infamous crab in Disney’s The Little Mermaid!
Shay Origin: Hebrew, Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Shay Meaning: This cute unisex baby name has two meanings. One is stately or gift, the other is hawk-like.
Shepherd Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Shep-herd Meaning: An occupational name for someone who herds sheep, it can be shortened to Shep (who incidentally was a famous Blue Peter dog!
Sparrow Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: S-par-row Meaning: A bird name that is truly unisex, Nicole Richie and Joel Madden chose it for their son.
Sven Origin: Scandinavian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: S-vehn Meaning: A name that comes from an ancient Swedish tribe, this popular name in the Netherlands means youth. It’s also the name of the reindeer in Frozen, which also makes it a great animal baby name!
Tiger Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ti-ger Meaning: Want to try something feline that isn’t the very common Leo? Then this cute cat name could be the key – it worked for Tiger Woods after all!
Tipu Origin: Indian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Te-puu Meaning: If Tiger is too obvious for you, why not try this lovely Hindi name that also means tiger.
Todd Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Tod Meaning: It may sound like a name suited to a Californian surfer dude, but as animal-inspired baby names go, Todd actually comes from Old English and means fox.
Tom Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Tom Meaning: A diminutive of the more formal Thomas, it means twin. When it comes to the animal world, a tom cat is a male cat, and is also the moniker of one of the most cartoon cats ever, Tom from Tom and Jerry.
Wolf Origin: German | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Woolf Meaning: A name with a bit of a rock and roll edge, Wolf comes from the German name Wolfgang and means travelling wolf.
Yael Origin: Hebrew, Welsh | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Yah-el Meaning: While in Hebrew this unusual unisex name means to ascend, in Welsh it means mountain goat!
Animal-inspired names for girls
Abitha Origin: Aramaic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ah-bih-thuh Meaning: A variation of Tabitha, this unusual animal baby name means gazelle.
Abeille Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ah-beyl Meaning: A French name, which means bee – can be shortened to Abby if the pronunciation is too much for some people!
Adelie Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ah-del-ee Meaning: A variation of Adele, it means noble. It also refers to the Adelie penguin.
Adolpha Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: A-dol-pha Meaning: If calling your baby girl Wolf isn’t quite your thing, this unusual German name could be a good alternative as it means noble wolf.
Alondra Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: A-lond-ra Meaning: A Spanish diminutive of Alexandra, this pretty bird-inspired baby name means lark.
Alouette Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: A-lou-ette Meaning: This pretty girl’s name means lark.
Anemone Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ah-nem-oh-nee Meaning: Yes, it’s a name of a flower but it’s also the name for those cute-looking sea creatures. It means daughter of the wind.
Angel Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ayn-jel Meaning: This angelic name means divine messenger, it's also the given name for sea snails.
Arden Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ar-den Meaning: Arden was the name of the magical forest in Shakespeare's As You Like It. A modern-sounding unisex name, it means valley of the eagle.
Ariel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Air-re-el Meaning: While Ariel is probably best known these days for being the mermaid with the red hair in Disney’s The Little Mermaid, it also means God’s lion.
Aria Origin: Italian, Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ahr-ee-a Meaning: A saint’s name with many meanings. In Italian it is a musical term from the 18th century that means air or tune, while in Hebrew it means lioness.
Ava Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ay-vah Meaning: A modern variation of Eva, Ava comes from avis, the Latin for bird. It was made popular by actress Ava Gardner in the 1940s.
Ayala Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ay-al-ah Meaning: A popular girl’s name in Israel, this pretty name means doe or gazelle.
Bambi Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Bam-bee Meaning: A cute Italian name that means baby girl, it was also the moniker of the cutest deer ever in Disney’s movie of the same name.
Bee Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Bee Meaning: A short and sweet name that means she who brings happiness, it also refers to the insect of the same name.
Beverly Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Bev-ur-lee Meaning: Singer Beverley Knight may have a name that’s not so fashionable now, but it was hugely popular at the beginning of the 20th century. It means beaver stream.
Billi Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bill-ee Meaning: A diminutive of Wilma, Billi means determined protector. In Hindi, it also means cat.
Birdie Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Bur-dee Meaning: Birdie means bright, famous and little bird. It was a hugely popular name in the 1800s and is enjoying a resurgence now.
Blakesley Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Blaik-slee Meaning: A small village in Northamptonshire, Blakesley is fast becoming a hip choice for little girls and means dark wolf’s wood.
Boa Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bo-er Meaning: While a snake may not be the obvious choice for a girl’s name, Boa does also conjure up a more feminine image of feathers and frivolity.
Branwen Origin: Welsh | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bran-win Meaning: In Welsh mythology, Branwen was turned into a bird, so it’s no surprise that this baby name has associations with birds and means blessed raven.
Brittany Origin: English, French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Brit-tanny Meaning: A hugely popular name in America since the ‘70s, it actually has roots in Europe and means from Britain. It’s also the name of a dog breed.
Bunny Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Bun-nee Meaning: Chosen by Katie Price for her youngest child, it started off as a nickname for girls with names such as Barbara. It means she who brings victory.
Calandra Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Cal-an-drah Meaning: A pretty Greek name that means singing bird or skylark.
Cat Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Cat Meaning: A modern format of Catherine, which means pure, popularised by presenter Cat Deeley.
Chinti Origin: Hindi | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Chin-tee Meaning: This pretty animal-inspired name is actually Hindi for ant.
Circe Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Sir-see Meaning: In Greek mythology, Circe, the daughter of Helios, was a sorceress who could turn men into animals with her magic wand! A really unusual animal baby name, it means bird.
Daisy Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Days-ee Meaning: This pretty flower name is having a revival in popularity. Its name comes from day’s eye because the petals open at the beginning of the day. It is also the name of Donald Duck’s girlfriend, which definitely qualifies it as an animal name!
Dandie Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dan-dee Meaning: A popular surname in Australia, this unisex name means warrior. When it comes to animals, it’s also the name of a super cute dog breed – a Dandie Dinmont Terrier.
Darva Origin: Slavic | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dar-vah Meaning: If Bee doesn’t cut it but you want something related to the striped insect, try Darva – it’s Slavic for honeybee.
Davina Origin: Hebrew, Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Daa-vee-nuh Meaning: While the Scottish roots of this name have it as meaning beloved, in Hebrew it means little deer.
Delphine Origin: French, Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Del-feen Meaning: This pretty French-sounding name means dolphin. It originally comes from the Greek town of Delphi, which the Greeks believe was the earth’s womb – with the dolphin’s shape representing that of a pregnant woman.
Deryn Origin: Welsh | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dare-rin Meaning: Deryn comes from the Welsh word aderyn, which means bird and originally came into popularity in the 1950s.
Dolly Origin: British | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Doll-lee Meaning: Not only is it the name of one of the greatest music stars ever - Dolly Parton - but this girl's name also means gift of God or a blessing. In 1996, Dolly was also the sheep that became the first successfully cloned mammal from an adult cell.
Dory Origin: French | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dor-ree Meaning: Possibly began as a nickname for Dorothy, this cute girl’s name means gift of God or gilded. It’s also the name of the very forgetful fish in Finding Nemo and Finding Dory.
Dove Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dov Meaning: A short and sweet name for both boys and girls, Dove has the additional association with peace, which makes it an extra lovely choice for your little one.
Emmeranne Origin: Slavic | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Emma-anne Meaning: This cute girl's name actually means raven.
Enara Origin: Basque | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: En-ara Meaning: A really unusual name that means swallow - the bird, not the physical act – in Basque.
Estrela Origin: Spanish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Es-stray-ah Meaning: This beautiful Spanish name means star, but for the purposes of this round-up we’re relating it to the Estrela Mountain Dog!
Evelyn Origin: English, French, German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Eh-vuh-lin Meaning: A name with a variety of different meanings – from life to beautiful bird.
Everly Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ev-er-lee Meaning: Originally a surname, this unisex name is rising in popularity. Meaning wild boar in woodland clearing, it can also be spelt Everley or Everleigh.
Faline Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fa-leen Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go this unique name, Faline means catlike. It was also the name of the doe Bambi fell in love with in the Disney movie.
Fawn Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fa-wn Meaning: A pretty name for a young deer – just don’t give her the middle name Dawn!
Fauna Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fawn-nah Meaning: The Roman goddess of nature and animals was called Fauna, so it's not surprising that this baby name has animal connections and means young deer.
Fia Origin: Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Feer Meaning: The anglicised version of popular Irish name Fiadh, it means wild deer.
Garcia Origin: Spanish, Portuguese | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gar-cee-ah Meaning: A surname that also makes a cute and cuddly unisex name, especially as it means bear.
Ginger Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gin-jer Meaning: If you grew up with the Spice Girls, this name will probably conjure up images of girl power and dresses made out of tea towels, however, it was made famous by the very graceful dancing partner of Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers in the ‘30s. And while it is the name of a spice, it’s also a type of cat.
Jayla Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jay-lah Meaning: A variation on Jay, this pretty name means jaybird.
Jewel Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jew-el Meaning: A gemstone name that was popular at the turn of the century, it’s also the name of a type of tiny brightly-coloured caterpillar.
Kefira Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ke-fee-ra Meaning: Want a big cat name for your daughter that isn’t too obvious? Kefira means young lion. Pretty and subtle.
Kimana Origin: Native American | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ki-ma-nah Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this is not only the name of a resort in the bottom of Mountain Kilimanjaro, Kimana also means butterfly.
Kitty Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Kit-ee Meaning: A nickname for Catherine, Kitty means pure. It's also literary name - Kitty was one of the Bennet sisters in Pride and Prejudice and was also a character in Dickens's Bleak House.
Koko Origin: Japanese | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ko-ko Meaning: A modern-day upgrade from Coco, this baby girl’s name means stork. Koko was also the name of a female Gorilla who used sign language to communicate with humans. A double whammy of an animal name!
Laika Origin: Russian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lie-ka Meaning: One for dog lovers! Laika is not only the name of the first dog in space, but it’s also the name of a hunting dog breed from Russia.
Lark Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Lar-k Meaning: If you’re looking for something a little more modern or boho than Robin, Lark is perfect for both boys and girls. The phrase ‘as happy as a lark’ hopefully also means your newborn bundle of joy will always stay that way.
Leona Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lee-oh-nuh Meaning: After decades of being nowhere on the name game, singer Leona Lewis helped propel this animal-inspired name back into the name charts. It means lioness.
Leonie Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lee-oh-nee Meaning: The French or German variation of Leona, this pretty name means lion. Can also be pronounced lay-oh-nee.
Linnet Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lin-et Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this name literally translates to flaxen-haired, and it’s also a small bird from the finch family.
Lovella Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Luh-vell-ah Meaning: A feminine variation on the surname Lovell, this name feels full of love, yet it actually means wolf!
Mahra Origin: Arabic, Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mah-rah Meaning: While the Hebrew meaning of this name is bitter, in Arabic it means female baby horse.
Maha Origin: Arabic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ma-ha Meaning: A popular name for girls in many Arab countries, it means the shape and colour of the eyes of a wild cow. Wierdly specific, it was given to baby girls who appear to have big black eyes.
Mariposa Origin: Spanish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mari-posa Meaning: A truly beautiful and unique name, Mariposa is Spanish for butterfly.
Mavis Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: May-vis Meaning: If you’re not old enough to remember Mavis Wilton in Coronation Street, this name is very sweet and vintage-sounding. It means song bird.
Merle Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Mer-l Meaning: This unisex name, which is popular in Germany for girls, is French for blackbird.
Moray Origin: Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Mawr-ey Meaning: While it may be related to the boy’s name Murray, Moray has more of a unisex feel about it. It means settlement by the sea and is also the name for the rather strange looking moray eel.
Myna Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: My-na Meaning: A diminutive of Minerva, which means of the mind or intellect, it’s also the name of the Golden Myna, a bird native to South Asia.
Nala Origin: African | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Naa-luh Meaning: Nala means successful. It’s the name of Simba’s wife in Disney’s The Lion King.
Nana Origin: Hawaiian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Na-na Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names got this has many meanings. It's another name for grandma, this Hawaiian baby name means spring. It’s also the name of the dog in Peter Pan, who looks after the children.
Orsa Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Or-sah Meaning: An Italian variation of Ursula, this short and sweet name means little she-bear.
Panya Origin: African, Russian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Paen-yaa Meaning: A multi-cultural name with two meanings – crowned one or mouse.
Paloma Origin: Spanish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pah-low-ma Meaning: From the Spanish for dove, Paloma is a unique baby name. Famous people who have this moniker include jewellery designer Paloma Picasso and singer Paloma Faith.
Panda Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Pan-dah Meaning: Panda bears are cute and cuddly so it’s a fitting name for your lovely little newborn. The word panda comes from the Nepali word 'ponya', meaning bamboo eater.
Perdita Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Per-dee-ta Meaning: An unusual name that means lost, it’s also the name of the mum of all those 101 Dalmatians and of Welsh-born actress Perdita Weeks, who stars in Magnum PI.
Phoenix Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fee-nix Meaning: Chosen by Spice Girl Mel B for her daughter, Phoenix means dark red. The Phoenix is also a bird from Greek mythology that never dies.
Piper Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pie-pur Meaning: An occupational name that means pipe or flute playing, a piper is also a wading bird.
Pipi Origin: Hawaiian, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pip-ee Meaning: This cute name has not one, but two animal connections! Pippa or Pippi is a female variation of Philip, which means lover of horses. However, over in Hawaii, it means beef or cow!
Pixie Origin: Swedish, Cornish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Pix-ee M eaning: This cute girl’s name most likely comes from the old English word ‘pisgy’, which was the local name given to fairy-like creatures. It’s also the name of a cat breed – the Pixiebob!
Poe Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Po Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this is a unique choice for either a boy or girl, Poe means peacock.
Rachel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ray-chel Meaning: In the Old Testament, Rachel was the favourite wife of Jacob. It means ewe.
Rae Origin: Hebrew | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ray Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go this is perfect for your new ray of sunshine, Rae (a shortened version of Rachel) means ewe. Actors Mark Wahlberg and Daniel Baldwin both have daughters named Rae.
Raven Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ray-ven Meaning: A real superhero name – Raven is in Teen Titans – it’s a good name for bird lovers or dark-haired babies!
Rosamund Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Rosa-mund Meaning: An ancient name, Rosamund means horse protection. It also translates to rose of the world.
Sable Origin: Slavic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Say-bul Meaning: A sable is a species of marten - a small furry rodent - and means black.
Sarika Origin: Sanskrit | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sahr-ka Meaning: Derived from a Sanskrit word, it relates to the myna bird, which is known for its ability to mimic.
Savannah Origin: Spanish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sa-van-nah Meaning: While Savannah means flat, tropical grassland, there is also a cat breed that shares the name.
Shaden Origin: Arabic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Shar-den Meaning: An exotic-sounding name which means baby gazelle.
Starling Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Star-ling Meaning: Known as a gregarious bird, Starling is a great choice for any baby girl.
Tabitha Origin: Aramaic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ta-buh-thuh Meaning: Tabitha means gazelle. Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick chose the name for one of their twin daughters.
Teal Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Teel Meaning: A unisex animal-inspired name that relates to both the colour and the bird, a small freshwater duck.
Tora Origin: Norse, Japanese | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tor-rah Meaning: An unusual name, with two meanings. The old Norse meaning is thunder, while in Japan it means tiger.
Ula Origin: Celtic, Hawaiian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ooo-lah Meaning: A nickname for Ursula or Ulrika, it means gem of the sea. In Hawaiian, it means lobster.
Una Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ooo-na Meaning: A popular name in Ireland, Una comes from the Irish word uan, which means lamb.
Ursula Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ur-su-lah Meaning: A saint’s name and also the name of the baddy in Disney’s Little Mermaid, it means female bear.
Ula Origin: Celtic, Hawaiian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ooo-lah Meaning: A short form of Ursula, it means gem of the sea. In Hawaiian, it means lobster.
Una Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ooo-na Meaning: As popular animal-inspired names go, in Ireland, Una comes from the Irish word uan, which means lamb.
Ursula Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ur-su-lah Meaning: A saint’s name and also the name of the baddy in Disney’s Little Mermaid, it means female bear.
Vanessa Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ur-su-lah Meaning: In Greek, means butterfly and is oh-so-sweetly feminine.
Wana Origin: Hawaiian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Vahn-ah Meaning: An unusual name – pronounced Vahn-ah - it’s Hawaiian for sea urchin.
Winnie Origin: Welsh | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Win-nee Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this sweet name means gentle friend or friend of peace and is most famous as the name of the honey-loving bear, Winnie the Pooh!
Wren Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ren Meaning: Considered a bird of prophecy by the Druids, the wren is a small songbird. It’s a good animal-inspired choice for both girls and boys.
Yaelle Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Yah-ell Meaning: Comes from the boy's name Yael, which means ibex, a type of mountain goat.
Yara Origin: Arabic | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ya-rah Meaning: As animal-inspired baby names go, this Arabic name became popular in the Western world from the '90s, it means small butterfly.
Ylva Origin: Swedish, Norwegian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Meaning: A derivative of the old Norse word 'úlfr', which means wolf, this unusual baby name means she-wolf.
With over 24 years’ experience in journalism, she’s written about a variety of subjects and is just as at home interviewing A-list stars as she is testing nappies. Having started her career writing about Pokémon, ponies and wrestling, Jayne moved into the world of film journalism, where she spent the next eight years pinching herself while she got paid to interview Hollywood film stars and attend premieres. Since then, she’s launched websites for major magazines, worked with top brands such as Westfield, LK Bennett and Hunter, and had her own tech column in Women’s Own.
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