'I'd like another three at least' Katie Price reveals she wants more children amid C-section concerns

She's already a mum of five...

Katie Price has revealed that she would like to have at least another three children, to add to her brood of five.

The Loose Women panellist shared her wishes of becoming a mother again on the show yesterday, saying it would 'kill' her if doctors told her she couldn't have more kids.

'I'm lucky that I've had five children. There's women out there who want children and can't have any', the 38 year old said.

'I've got five kids, I've had four caesareans, but I do want more children.'

Katie surprised fans on the show with the revelation that she wants more children

'With me I don't want the doctor telling me I can't have kids. I need to make that decision, it would kill me if they said I can't have any more.

'I'd like another three at least.'

Recalling her previous experiences of giving birth, the mum-of-five said she's had four caesareans, and that her first child Harvey was the only one she gave birth to naturally.

Katie is already a mum of five

She also shared her fears that she wouldn't be able to have a natural birth after her caesareans.

'I heard that after three [caesareans] you're quite touch and go. And you can't have a natural birth after a caesarean, apparently.'

Viewers took to social media to point out the panellist was wrong, as women can go on to have natural births if they have more babies after having a c-section, which is known as a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC), according to the NHS.

'Katie Price, look up VBAC before stating you "can't have a normal birth after a c-section" maybe not advisable after 4 mind u!', one viewer commented on Twitter.

'It's a shame Katie price has been misinformed. Lots of women can have a vaginal birth after a c-section...', another viewer added.

According to the NHS website, 'if you have a baby by caesarean, it doesn't necessarily mean that any babies you have in the future will also have to be delivered this way.

'Most women who have had a caesarean section can safely have a vaginal delivery for their next baby, known as vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC).'

Katie also revealed that she had a troublesome experience giving birth to her son Jett, who was born in 2013.

'My waters broke in France. They took him away and I didn't even see him until the evening. I couldn't hold him.'


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