The Queen’s favourite junk food is SO posh

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The Queen's former palace chef has revealed that the monarch's favourite junk food is just as posh as we expected. 

The Queen is known to enjoy in the finer things in life and it's been revealed that her favourite guilty pleasure is a burger—but not in the same way non-royal folk know them.

Queen Elizabeth II at a State banquet. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)

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Her Majesty, like most people, enjoys juicy burgers, but hers are served without the bun and eaten with a knife and fork. She also sticks to venison meat and has her patties stuffed with cranberries, according to Darren.

The monarch is also said to order her kitchen staff to make the venison burger meat patty from scratch.

Unlike most people, she would never take the bus down to McDonald's or Burger King to feed her fast food cravings and there's no need for her to scrub up on Maccie's drive-through hacks, like how to get fresh fries every time. Rather, HM prefers the flavour of game meat packed with cranberries.

Darren explained, "It always tickled me at Balmoral, we would make our own burgers. They would shoot deer, and we would do venison burgers. There’d be gorgeous cranberry stuffed into them, but we never set buns out."

The Queen With President Reagan At A State Banquet At Windsor Castle.

Credit: Getty Images

Darren also revealed that the Queen hates pizza and that the Italian treat was never served to her during his 15 years in the palace.

Recalling that he never made a pizza during his time working at Buckingham Palace, he revealed that things changed when he moved to Kensington Palace to cook for Princess Diana and her young sons.

"I didn’t start cooking pizza until I moved across to Kensington Palace. I [made] pizza all the time for William.

"In my second cookbook, The Royal Chef At Home, there’s a chicken tikka masala pizza recipe because, he loves Indian food. The pizza combined the two," Darren went on to disclose.

Royal insiders previously revealed that the Queen never tells people what her favourite foods are for a very important reason.

Gordon Rayner, a former royal correspondent for The Telegraph, claimed that he learned this information from a member of the royal staff, confessing, "As one of her staff told me, ‘If she said she had a favourite meal she would never get served anything else'."

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Fans have been captivated by the fascinating facts about the monarch's eating habits for years, but the recent revelation of her sleep schedule has topped it all.

The Queen is said to like a glass of champagne before going to bed at Buckingham Palace, with luxury names such as Bollinger, Krug, Lanson, and Pol Roger among her favourites.

Kudzai Chibaduki
Features Writer

Kudzai Chibaduki joined Future as a trainee news writer for Good To, writing about fashion, entertainment, and beauty. She's now a freelance fashion wardrobe stylist and helps direct magazine photoshoots.