Thought you had it bad? Pregnant mum with 21 kids reveals how she's coping with homeschooling

Could you handle teaching 21 kids at home?

Thought you had it bad? Pregnant mum with 21 kids reveals how she's coping with home schooling
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Expectant mum-of-21, Sue Radford, took to Instagram to share a glimpse of life without school

To many parents, homeschooling their children can seem like a mammoth task - especially when you’re brand new to it. But with lockdown closing schools, it seems a lot of us have no choice but to brush up on our Maths knowledge for the sake of our little ones. For mum-of-21, Sue Radford, it’s an even bigger challenge.

Currently expecting her 22nd child, Sue, 44, is mum to Britain’s biggest family and has been hit hard by the closure of schools.

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Sue, from Morecambe, Lancs, took to Instagram to show the sheer organisation involved in setting up a home-working station for her nine youngest kids.

James, 16, Ellie, 14, Aimee, 13, Josh, 12, Max, 11, Tillie, nine, Oscar, eight, Casper, seven, and Hallie, four, have been trying to get used to distance learning from the family home. Busy mum Sue, who is now 35-weeks pregnant, posted a snap to her Instagram account of her youngest children hard at work.

“Day one of homeschooling there probably won’t be a day two,” she jokingly captioned the shot.

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The picture shows her nine youngest kids squeezed around a dining table, littered with piles of books, pens, papers and laptops.

Fellow parents were quick to rack up comments on her workload, offering their sympathies as they take on the homeschooling challenge, too.

“I thought I had it bad with 3!!! Good luck!!!!!” one parent commented.

Another added, “Wow! Take my hat off to you ! I have 4 and it’s something.”

One stressed-out parent added, "I've got six to do and it's killing me' - followed by crying emojis. The Radfords have often stated they do not claim any benefits, apart from Child Benefit, and rely on dad Noel’s, 49, bakery business to make ends meet.

To add to the hevaing mix, Sue and Noel also have three grandchildren and their 18-year-old daugther, Millie, is also expecting a baby.

Hiya! I’m Emmie, Commissioning Editor and digital features writer for TI Media. I help plan your (hopefully!) favourite glossy magazines Chat, Woman and Woman’s Own. All the stories that you read in these magazines have been hand-picked by me, just for you. I also contribute regular features to   I live in London with my bearded husband and whatever cat decides to come through my flat’s cat-flap that day. Originally though, I’m a born and bred Geordie. Don’t worry, I’ll try my best to make sure that no Newcastle slang makes its way into my articles…areet, pet?   Outside of work – surprise, surprise - I write! I’m a freelance lifestyle, culture and travel writer for national newspapers and online magazines, including Daily Mail, The Sun, The Mirror,, Glamour, Huff Post, Time Out London. I’ve written about everything from weight and mental health, to period sex and being a woman today. One of my career highlights was appearing on Channel 4’s TV show ‘Supershoppers’ to talk about my great love affair with pasta. I’m also writing a book (pray for me!).   Aside from pasta (and *maybe* my husband), writing is my greatest love. My dad often had his name appear in music magazines when I was growing up, and thankfully he kept them all for me. I remember sitting amongst these magazines skyscrapers as a kid, marvelling at the shiny covers, colourful pictures and bold words thinking ‘My name will be in one of these one day’. My dream came true aged 23 when I officially graduated as an accredited journalist, and got my first ever magazine job.   Feel free to follow my ramblings and mishaps on Twitter – and please hit me up if you have any tips on how to write a book successfully without wailing every five minutes that I’ve only written 10 words in three weeks.