Baked bean muffins recipe

(293 ratings)

If your child is a fan of baked beans they’ll love these muffins. Instead of beans on toast for lunch why not try these baked bean muffins? Each muffin is filled to the brim with baked beans and the cheese bursts through in each and every bite!

Baked bean muffins
  • healthy
Preparation Time25 mins
Cooking Time25 mins
Total Time50 mins
Cost RangeCheap
Nutrition Per PortionRDA
Calories116 Kcal6%
Sugar1.6 g2%
Fat5.4 g8%
Saturated Fat2.2 g11%
Salt0.38 gRow 4 - Cell 2
Protein4.5 g9%
Carbohydrates12.5 g5%
Salt0.38 gRow 7 - Cell 2

Our mummy blogger, Anneliese, says that kids love these unique baked bean muffins. 

In this baked bean muffins recipe, our creator has used just seven ingredients that any baked bean on toast fan will already have in the cupboard and the fridge. As Anneliese herself says, "Each one of these baked bean muffins is filled to the brim with baked beans and the cheese bursts through in each and every bite! Such a quick recipe to make with children - and they can feel proud to have made their own lunch from scratch."


  • 160g self-raising flour
  • ½tsp baking powder
  • 120ml full-fat milk
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 45g butter, melted
  • 220g can of baked beans in tomato sauce
  • 60g mature cheddar, grated




  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4.
  2. You could either ask your child to grease the muffin tray liberally or they could use muffin paper cases instead. If you use paper cases don't use your best ones as they would be wasted on a savoury muffin.
  3. Ask your little helper to sift the flour and baking powder into a large mixing bowl, a little at a time. My boy absolutely loves this job; I think he would happily sift flour all day long!
  4. Place the butter into a small microwaveable bowl and heat in the microwave until the butter has melted. Put the bowl to one side while you turn your attention to the milk and egg.
  5. It can be quite tricky for young hands to pour milk from a heavy milk bottle, so some assistance will be required here. You can pour the milk into the measuring jug together!
  6. If you have a keen egg cracker, then grab a small bowl and let your child crack in the egg. When it comes to picking out the shell, they can revel in the slimy gooey mess. My boy makes lots of “ewww” noise with a big smile on his face! Once any shell has been extracted they can give the egg a quick whisk with a fork.
  7. Using a wooden spoon or balloon whisk, make a well in the centre of the flour, then pour in the milk, beaten egg and melted butter. Children will love stirring the muffin mixture and the great thing is that lumps are to be encouraged; it only needs to be mixed until just combined. An overworked mixture will result in a tough, dense muffin.
  8. Open the can of baked beans for your helper. They can use a spoon to scoop out the beans and sauce into the mixing bowl. Just take a moment to be sure there are no sharp edges to the tin. While they are busy you can get on with grating the cheese.
  9. Stir the baked beans and grated cheese into the mixture, being careful not to over mix. Your little one can now spoon the orange tinted mixture into the awaiting muffin tin.
  10. Place the tray into the hot oven and leave the muffins to cook for approximately 20-25 mins. The muffins will not rise a great deal due to the baked beans but should lift to the tops of each muffin hole and turn a rich golden colour.
  11. Once cooked take from the oven and tip out on to a wire rack to cool.

Top tips for making baked bean muffins:

The cheese is a real essential in this recipe so if you're looking to vary up the ingredients, use a different cheese each time you make these. While we recommend a Stilton for those with a taste for stronger flavours, Red Leicester cheese is also a great alternative.

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Anneliese Giggins
Freelance food writer

Author, writer and Mum of three, Anneliese Giggins has been creating recipes for for the past 9 years. She has also created food-related content for household names such as Daily Mail, Daily Express and Her most successful to date was how to feed a family of 4 on £20 a week