Sleep diaries: Sleeping with… a bump

'Baby's beating up the bladder again!'

Spoiler alert: sleeping whilst you're pregnant is no easy task!

Sleep is a time for your body to recover, rest and repair from the activities you've encountered during your day - and it becomes even more essential when you're pregnant and growing a small human inside of you.

Some mums-to-be can struggle with sleep and when you manage to sleep through the night without any trips to the toilet or surprising leg cramps it's a big win.

Here, Jessica Dady, who is 29 weeks pregnant, shares one week in her sleeping life - how do your sleep problems measure up?


10.30pm: Absolutely exhausted. My bed has never looked so inviting! Hot water bottle under the duvet, bump Bio Oil-ed up and we're ready for bed. 11pm: Maybe it wasn't a good idea to down half a glass of water before getting into bed. Up and across the hall in the dark and cold to the toilet. My bladder just can't do all nighters anymore. 4am: Leg cramp - my new nemesis. A few stretches should do the trick. Baby takes the opportunity to give me a good kicking whilst my other half snores his head off. He's not moved an inch. Back to sleep. 6.45am: The fiancé's off to work and my stomach is rumbling. I should really start to make some sort of effort to get up but me and bump have found the perfect nook. 8am: Obviously needed the extra time in bed (growing a human is hard work you know!) By the looks of things I needed extra covers too - half the duvet is on the floor. Oops! Tiredness rating: 4/10


11pm: I think I've been having a stretching day today - my hips are so achy. Folded towel under bump to give me a bit of support and not forgetting the all important rule of sleeping on your left side for better circulation. 5am: I didn't realise I could move so quickly - massive cramp in my calf muscle. Up and out of bed for some serious stretching. This time my partner stirs 'Are you okay? What's going on?' a slight panic in his voice. I reassure him and he's back snoring in seconds. 6.30am: The usual wake up call and kiss goodbye before work. Think I'll take this opportunity to roll and do a bit of right side laying before I'm up in 15 - I know how to party. Rolling from one position to another is so much effort though. I've never felt so heavy and if you've got sciatica (which every now and then I do!) it's a mission. Tiredness rating: 5/10


12.15am: Bedtime. Bio Oil on and hot water bottle in the bed (it's been a life saver over the past few weeks - soothing my achy hips, highly recommended!) 3.30am: Nope, not a leg cramp - instead it's my bladder. Stumbling across the hall, bouncing off walls and feeling for the toilet in the dark. Who needs electricity? 10.30am: Morning lie in well needed. Not a bad sleep all in all. Lots of kicking whilst I enjoy breakfast in bed courtesy of my beloved. I scoff down a bowl of Branflakes followed by a bowl of porridge (not forgetting my multi vitamins!) It's a hungry day. Tiredness rating: 3/10


11.30pm: Bought myself one of those wedge pillows to put under my bump when I lay on my side. Hopefully it'll help take the weight off and I'll get a full nights sleep. Fingers crossed! 1am: Finding it hard to dose off (maybe I shouldn't have read all that stuff about labour before bed!) and someone keeps kicking my bladder. Time to get my waddle on. 11am

: What?! 11 already? A successful-ish night sleep I'd say. Tiredness rating: 3/10



: Bedtime. A little bit later than planned but me and bump are looking forward to it nonetheless! 9am

: Slept the whole way through - yes we did! Only wake up call was the fiancé going to work around 7ish. It's a day off and a bonus lay in for me! Tiredness rating: 2/10



: I had to do a few extra stretches before bed tonight - my legs are feeling achy again. Alarm set for 6.45am. This will be a shock to the system! 4am: Baby's beating up the bladder again! Toilet break. 6.45am: Urgh. Alarm. So thirsty this morning, I'm sure I've already drunk my recommended allowance and the day hasn't even begun! Tiredness rating: 7/10


11pm: Bedtime. The usual routine done and I'm snuggled up in minutes. Feeling extra tired tonight! 4am

: Bladder? Nope. Leg cramp? Nope. Kicking? Yep! Feels like someone is in the mood for a party, dancing away in there! 6.45am: Urgh. Such a struggle. Absolutely busting to wee though so I'm up into the darkness in no time! Tiredness rating: 5/10

Jessica Dady
Food Editor

Jessica Dady is Food Editor at GoodtoKnow and has over 12 years of experience as a digital editor, specialising in all things food, recipes, and SEO. From the must-buy seasonal food hampers and advent calendars for Christmas to the family-friendly air fryers that’ll make dinner time a breeze, Jessica loves trying and testing various food products to find the best of the best for the busy parents among us. Over the years of working with GoodtoKnow, Jessica has had the privilege of working alongside Future’s Test Kitchen to create exclusive videos - as well as writing, testing, and shooting her own recipes. When she’s not embracing the great outdoors with her family at the weekends, Jessica enjoys baking up a storm in the kitchen with her favourite bakes being chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, and a tray of gooey chocolate brownies