Duchess Catherine’s special Hold Still project dubbed ‘inspirational’

(Image credit: Arthur Edwards. Staff)

The Duchess of Cambridge’s Hold Still project has been praised by fans after one of the final 100 images was turned into a mural in Manchester.

  • Kensington Royal shared a post on Instagram showing the images - one of the final 100 of the Hold Still project - being turned into a mural in Manchester
  • The picture is entitled “Melanie, March 2020” and shows a nurse during the global pandemic 
  • It follows royal news that the Queen shared her thoughts on the 'horrible' pandemic

The Duchess of Cambridge has received more praise as her Hold Still project, in collaboration with the National Portrait Gallery, continues to attract attention.

Credit: Getty

The Cambridges' official Instagram account, Kensington Royal, debuted the mural which has been created in Manchester to showcase one of the images, entitled “Melanie, March 2020”.

Alongside a video of the breath-taking piece of art being brought to life on the wall, it said, “We are proud to show you this incredible piece of artwork on display in Manchester. It is one of the final 100 images entitled ‘Melanie, March 2020’, and represents the #holdstill2020 community exhibition.

“With the support of @NationalPortraitGallery and @CoopUk, this amazing mural brings Hold Still to the streets of the UK, demonstrating the support for the NHS community. Photo credit: Johannah Churchill.”

Despite being seven months into the global pandemic, royal fans were thrilled that the Hold Still project’s new mural means it is still starting conversations.

One fan wrote, “Stunning, this was a great meaningful special project - well done to all who took part and well done to all organisations involved. Wonderful initiative.”

Another said, “Such a wonderful tribute to Melanie and all those on the frontline during this pandemic. Thankyou Melanie and to who risk their lives to keep up safe. Every day. Thankyou.”

A third simply said, “Such an inspirational project.”

Hold Still was a passion project brought to life by Duchess Catherine - a keen photographer herself - in a bid to appeal to budding photographers to capture what life was like in lockdown.

But it has become so much more - highlighting the triumphant efforts of NHS and frontline workers throughout the pandemic. 

Even the Queen was moved by those who entered the competition and lent her support to Duchess Catherine by thanking the participants.

Credit: Getty

The 94-year-old Monarch said, “It was with great pleasure that I had the opportunity to look through a number of the portraits that made the final 100 images for the Hold Still photography project.

“The Duchess of Cambridge and I were inspired to see how the photographs have captured the resilience of the British people at such a challenging time, whether that is through celebrating frontline workers, recognising community spirit or showing the efforts of individuals supporting those in need.”

Speaking about the success of the project, Catherine said, “The thing that I think has struck me going through all of these images is how difficult and diverse everyone’s experience of Covid 19 has been.

“No one story is the same, everyone’s is unique. It’s like a huge rollercoaster of emotions, but I suppose that’s what everyone has experienced. It’s a reflection of what everyone’s been through at this time.”

Celebrity writer

Georgia is a Celebrity and Royal Writer working across GoodTo and Woman & Home, and the Director and Founder of communications company Farq Media. Prior to this she was Online Editor at New! Magazine – managing all of their digital content and social media accounts. Where she interviewed all of the hottest reality TV stars and spent far too much time commuting to London. She trained at Nottingham Trent University – where she achieved First Class Honours in Print Journalism whilst juggling copious amounts of work experience, freelance writing, blogging and having far too much fun with the dance society.