Princess Charlotte is ‘becoming a standout star’ of the Royal Family, claims body language expert

The royal youngster may be the middle child, but she is taking on a 'leading role' among her siblings

Princess Charlotte
(Image credit: Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Princess Charlotte is 'is becoming a standout star of the royal firm' according to one body language expert who analysed the youngsters dutiful behavior over the Coronation weekend.

Princess Charlotte stole the show over the Coronation weekend. From her adorable headpiece that matched mum Kate Middleton's to her thrifty glitter trainers from the Coronation's big help out event, the royal youngster looked every bit the Princess over the course of the three-day celebrations. 

At just eight-years-old, Charlotte, along with her older brother Prince George and younger brother Prince Louis, thrived in the harsh spotlight and, while she may sit under her sibling in the royal line of succession, helped keep both her brothers in line during the occasions, entering what body language expert Judi James calls 'big-sister mode.'

Even Charlotte's father, Prince William, admitted the royal youngster used up all her energy "making sure her little brother behaved" during the Coronation ceremony. As reported by Marie Claire, William was overheard on the day of the concert saying Charlotte was feeling “tired” after keeping Louis in check at the event. “She’s very tired after yesterday,” he said. “She’s having a quiet day at home. It was making sure her little brother behaved himself."

But despite her un-official role tiring her out, body language expert Judi James told The Mirror that the royal youngster is 'naturally falling' into the leading role amongst her siblings. According to her, the Coronation weekend showed that Charlotte is becoming the 'stand-out star' of the Royal Family and that she knows just how a young royal should act.

Princess Charlotte

(Image credit: YUI MOK/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Speaking about Charlotte's body language at the Coronation concert, James said, "Charlotte's deep, perfect curtsey as the King walked past in the royal box was only one body language sign that she is becoming a stand-out star of the royal firm.

"She snapped into duty as royal prefect as soon as she sat down, waving her bangle and her flag at her brother George to show him how he should use them during the concert.

"Charlotte and George were on their feet dancing to Lionel Richie but it was when William walked out on stage that Charlotte really took over, looking back down the row of seats to check everyone had seen her dad and then pointing her flag at the stage to make sure they looked.

"When George didn't react enough she even stood up, jabbing her flag in William's direction again and shouting at her brother excitedly to pay attention."

Princess Charlotte

(Image credit: DANIEL LEAL/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

At the two-hour-long Coronation ceremony the day before, which the Wales' family were late to, Charlotte took Louis under her wing and helped make sure he behaved throughout the proceedings. This, alongside the language she demonstrated at the concert, indicates Charlotte is naturally falling into the leading role of the three kids, James says.

But no matter how mature an eight-year-old, there is always some childish antics sure to take place. Royal fans were delighted when a 'frugal' Princess Charlotte embraced the infamous three-second-rule after dropping a marshmallow on the floor during her and her family's royal engagement at 3rd Upton Scouts Hut in Slough on the Coronation's bank holiday Monday.

News writer

Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse is a news writer for Goodtoknow, specialising in family content. She began her freelance journalism career after graduating from Nottingham Trent University with an MA in Magazine Journalism, receiving an NCTJ diploma, and earning a First Class BA (Hons) in Journalism at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. She has also worked with BBC Good Food and The Independent.