Husband and wife designer duo behind Princess Diana's wedding dress are at war over the gown

Princess Diana on her wedding day

Princess Diana's dress designer, Elizabeth Emanuel, has filed legal papers against her ex-husband, David Emanuel, for "claiming credit" for the gown for over 40 years.

Elizabeth Emanuel - one half of the duo behind Princess Diana' wedding dress - has made extraordinary claims that her ex-husband, David Emanuel, played no role in its design, and has "claimed credit for 40 years".

In legal papers, seen by the Mail on Sunday, Elizabeth alleges that she designed the late Princess of Wales' wedding dress. She is seeking a court order to stop him from making any claim on the creation of the dress.

David and Elizabeth Emanuel sit down with Princess Diana

David and Elizabeth Emanuel sat down with Princess Diana (Credit: Getty)

As reported by the Mail Online, Elizabeth is claiming she was the "key creative force" in their relationship and alleges that David's role was of "organisation, dealing with clients and overseeing the making of garments by the workroom staff" to her designs.

The court documents allege that Elizabeth has been "deprived of media interviews and financial revenue" as the public think David was the designer behind the infamous dress, worn on Princess Diana and Prince Charles' wedding day.

Prince Charles and Diana's wedding

Princess Diana on her wedding day (Credit: Getty)

It is the latest chapter in a bitter battle between the exes, after David took legal action against Elizabeth for selling sketches of the dress.

David recently helped out on Netflix's hit series, The Crown - in which the team recreated the iconic gown for Emma Corrin to wear. He described her work "like seeing a ghost. It brings back so many memories".

Praising Emma's portrayal of Princess Diana, David said, 'They've got the hair right and she holds herself like Diana did; shy but radiant. Seeing her is like stepping back in time."

With £100 million budget for the show, the team could afford to be meticulous with the detail.

On how he helped, David explained, "I gave them plenty of tips: putting net in the sleeves, getting lots of twinkle in the veil; choosing exactly the right colour for the fabric.

"We went to enormous lengths, and so did they. The detail is meticulous."

Celebrity writer

Georgia is a Celebrity and Royal Writer working across GoodTo and Woman & Home, and the Director and Founder of communications company Farq Media. Prior to this she was Online Editor at New! Magazine – managing all of their digital content and social media accounts. Where she interviewed all of the hottest reality TV stars and spent far too much time commuting to London. She trained at Nottingham Trent University – where she achieved First Class Honours in Print Journalism whilst juggling copious amounts of work experience, freelance writing, blogging and having far too much fun with the dance society.