Prince William's secret moment of comfort during Princess Diana's funeral

Prince William Princess Diana's funeral
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Prince William was comforted by his grandfather, Prince Philip, during Princess Diana's funeral during a touching moment that was almost missed by the cameras. 

When Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris in 1997, William and Harry were just 15 and 12 years old. 

As the young boys attended their mother's funeral, there was a special moment shared between Prince William and Prince Philip, who died last year at the age of 99.

Philip agreed to go with William and Harry, when the late Duke thought they were out of sight of the cameras, he privately consoled William, with a heartfelt gesture. 

Philip reached out to his grandson and lovingly touched his back as the procession passed under an arch in Horse Guards Parade on its route to the Abbey.

The late Duke of Edinburgh also told Martin Palmer, co-founder of The Alliance of Religions and Conservation, about the moment of comfort on that tragic day.

Prince William and Prince Philip

Credit: Getty
(Image credit: Getty)

In the ITV documentary Philip: Prince, Husband, Father, Martin said, "There’s a moment where they go under the Horse Guards Parade arch where it’s quite clear that Prince Philip - and I asked him about this he said, 'Yes, I didn’t think the cameras could see us' - at that point he turns to William, who he is walking beside and comforts him."

Martin added,"You’ve just got to watch that moment and realise here is a grandfather who is trying to help his young, very vulnerable grandson struggle through this awful, awful moment.

"He knew what it was like to be a member of a dysfunctional family and he did his damnedest to make sure that did not happen to his grandchildren."

Kudzai Chibaduki
Features Writer

Kudzai Chibaduki joined Future as a trainee news writer for Good To, writing about fashion, entertainment, and beauty. She's now a freelance fashion wardrobe stylist and helps direct magazine photoshoots.