The sweet trait Prince William and Kate Middleton have passed onto their children

Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis definitely have this trait in common with their parents

Prince William and Kate Middleton
(Image credit: Daniel Leal - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Prince William and Kate Middleton have passed down their competitive trait to their three young children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, according to a body language expert.

Kate Middleton and Prince William are both known for their love of sports and any type of adventure-filled challenge that they can get stuck into. From Kate's love for CrossFit to Prince William showing off his boxing skills, the pair are always up for being involved in action and it appears that their children are no different. 

From Princess Charlotte's reported love of all sports from gymnastics to football, to  Prince George's aptitude for Rugby that recently saw Kate Middleton bring the family dog Orla to one of his matches, the whole family is sports mad.

And this fact was on show during the Wales family's most recent joint engagement. Prince GeorgePrincess Charlotte and Prince Louis joined their parents at the 3rd Upton Scouts Hut in Slough for the Coronation's Big Help Out event last Bank Holiday Monday, displaying the sporting competitiveness and "genuine enthusiasm" for activity that they've inherited from William and Kate as they took part in the fun and games on offer. 

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

(Image credit: Daniel Leal - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Analysing the children's body language at the event, body language expert Judi James told The Express, "There was no sense that George, Charlotte and Louis had been nudged along with warnings to be well behaved. The signs are that as soon as the family spot a sporting or activity challenge or an opportunity to get stuck in and compete in public they throw themselves into it with genuine enthusiasm.

"Their family team-bonding appears to have an even spread when it comes to enthusiasm and enjoyment. Kate will always compete as much as William and their role-modelling means their children will copy that very equal sense of enthusiasm. Even Louis set about filling a wheelbarrow with total, rapt enthusiasm, suggesting he throws himself into tasks at home in the same way."

Explaining how William and Kate's approach to the event influenced their children's behaviour during it, James explained, "Kate took her archery seriously and therefore, so did Charlotte and while his mother eyed up the target we can see George with his hands in his pockets, mirroring his dad’s splayed elbow pose as he watched to see who would be the winner."

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

(Image credit: Daniel Leal - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

But while the parents chose to lead by example with a more hands-off approach, James highlighted that Kate also motivates the youngsters to feel "confident" in their own abilities by gently encouraging them to get stuck in. She shared,"Kate also shows her skill to create confidence in her children when they do compete or join in play. With Louis toasting mallows at the fire she dipped down to his height to join in like another child to allow him to feel motivated but not overly parented."

But it's not just sports that the three children get competitive over. Back in 2020, Kate visited a hospice near Norwich to plant a tree and revealed how George, Charlotte and Louis were growing sunflowers - and the tallest sunflower would win their makeshift competition.

She said, “The children are really enjoying growing their sunflowers, Louis’s is winning so George is a little grumpy about that!”

News writer

Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse is a news writer for Goodtoknow, specialising in family content. She began her freelance journalism career after graduating from Nottingham Trent University with an MA in Magazine Journalism, receiving an NCTJ diploma, and earning a First Class BA (Hons) in Journalism at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. She has also worked with BBC Good Food and The Independent.