Princess Charlotte is the sibling 'in charge' according to Kate Middleton

She may be the middle child, but Princess Charlotte is more than happy to boss her siblings around

Princess Charlotte is the sibling 'in charge' according to Kate
(Image credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images/Future and Simon Bruty/Anychance/Getty Images/Future)

As the young royal has spent more time joining her parents and older brother at events, fans have been quick to point out just how confident the princess already is - and her mum, Kate Middleton, has noticed it too. 

Princess Charlotte is really the one 'in charge' of the Royal children Kate Middleton has joked.

Speaking at an engagement, the Duchess revealed that it is Charlotte who is in charge. Stopping to speak to fellow mum Samantha Burge at a memorial event, the Duchess reportedly said that "Charlotte is growing up really fast. She is the one in charge.

Samantha also said, "We have both got 2-year-olds and they are ruling the roost. It was a bit of a mummy chat. She said they are both becoming really good friends, Prince George and Princess Charlotte."

Charlotte has been joining her parents and her great-grandmother the Queen at more public events and her confidence in front of the big crowds has not gone amiss. 

As royal fans have had time to see the Princess interact with crowds, one of the things that has been noted time and time again, is how much more confident the Princess appears compared to her more reserved older brother. It is something that has been noticed by the Duchess herself too. 

The young royal is said to constantly boss her brother, the future King, Prince George around.

Despite the expectation that the Royal Family must uphold protocol at all times, no matter their age, the young children are often very cheeky and mischievous, such as Prince Louis' behaviour at the Platinum Jubilee last month. But, while Princess Charlotte previously had a reputation for playing up, as children do, in public, she has clearly grown into her royal role which she now takes more seriously and makes sure her siblings take more seriously too.

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Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse is a news writer for Goodtoknow, specialising in family content. She began her freelance journalism career after graduating from Nottingham Trent University with an MA in Magazine Journalism, receiving an NCTJ diploma, and earning a First Class BA (Hons) in Journalism at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. She has also worked with BBC Good Food and The Independent.