Here's the one gift all mums want for Mother's Day and it's FREE

New research by Moonpig has revealed what mums really want for Mother's Day - and it costs nothing

A smiling mum reads her Time Tokens for Mum free booklet from Moonpig and Lego
(Image credit: Moonpig and LEGO)

New research has revealed what mums really want for Mother's Day and it doesn't cost a penny.

As Mother’s Day approaches this weekend, lots of us are scratching our heads wondering what will make the best Mother's Day gifts for our mums, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, and beloved mum figures.

But now it's official - what mums really want isn't flowers or jewellery or even a thoughtful present. It's simply more time. New research by Moonpig has revealed that mums want the gift of time, with over half (51%) of the mums polled saying they want to spend this time with family or  their children. (We also hear the other 49% who seemingly did not state a wish to spend that extra time with their families...)

The gift of more free time also cropped up as a common desire for mums more generally beyond Mother's Day, with more than half (58%) wishing they had more free time to themselves and 40% of respondents reckoning they get an hour or less to themselves in the evening. (Again, we hear you...)

How would mums spend this extra free time? On simple pleasures like reading a book (42%) or watching TV (44%) while almost one-third (30%) said doing a hobby or creative activity was top of their list.

Some 22% of mums said they’d like to spend their extra spare time taking a bath, while 11% would take advantage of the opportunity to practice mindfulness.

A woman holds the Time Tokens for Mum booklet, available free this Mother's Day from Moonpig with any purchase of Lego.

(Image credit: Moonpig)


  • Watching TV (44%)
  • Reading a book (42%)
  • Going for a walk (32%)
  • Listening to music (29%)
  • Doing exercise (27%)
  • Pampering myself (26%)
  • Doing a hobby (25%)
  • Taking a bath (24%)
  • Taking a nap (22%)
  • Having a bath in peace (22%)

Moonpig and the LEGO Group have teamed up to give mums what they really want this Mother’s Day: the gift of free time. Available exclusively from Moonpig, the limited edition Time Tokens for Mum booklet is free when you buy anything from the Moonpig Lego range in the run-up to Mother’s Day. It's designed so that you can fill in the tokens by pledging to take a task off Mum's hands while she enjoys some extra free time to spend as she pleases.

Erica Tain, Senior Gifts Buyer at Moonpig, said: “With everything they do for us, it's important that the mother figures in our lives feel special on Mother’s Day.

"So, if they just want some quality time with family or simply time away from their busy schedules, let's give them exactly that.

"The ‘Time Tokens for Mum’ booklet is a playful way to give them some moments of their own and enjoy the day their way."

The research also revealed that time spent making new memories with their children is the gift that more than one in ten (16%) mums want most for Mother’s Day. And 17% said building LEGO sets was up there as one of things they most enjoy doing with their children.

Zach Leung, Brand Manager of the LEGO Group, commented: “With busy schedules and a constant to-do list we understand it can be difficult for parents to find the time to reset and recharge their batteries.

"We know that building LEGO sets is a great way for everyone to practise mindfulness and calm the mind, and so we hope the new booklet we’ve launched in partnership with Moonpig will be a great way to help parents do exactly that this Mother’s Day.”

The study, carried out via OnePoll, found almost a third (32%) of mums wish they could have time out for themselves to drop everything and enjoy some time off. One in five said they’d love almost double the amount of free time they currently have for themselves.

And unsurprisingly, 10% admitted that if they had more time they’d simply like to go to the toilet in peace.

Heidi Scrimgeour
Deputy Editor

Heidi is a seasoned parenting journalist with over 15 years of experience. She has contributed to numerous UK national newspapers, including The Guardian, The Times, and The Telegraph. Her work has also appeared in a variety of print and digital magazines, such as Psychologies and Mother & Baby, where she was Shopping Editor for six years. In this role, she specialised in consumer features, including buying guides and baby gear reviews. Heidi is also mum to two teenage sons and a ten-year-old daughter.