Prince William reveals how Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis inspired him to pursue his life's passion

"It's important that their energy inspires the rest of us"

Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis
(Image credit: Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Prince William has revealed how becoming a father to his three children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis has inspired him to pursue his life's passion.

The journey into parenthood changes everyone and it's no different for the Royal Family. 

Prince William has opened up about how becoming a father changed his outlook on the world and encouraged him to pursue his life's passion, environmental conservation, which you can see in action with Free National Trust tickets, and his explanation as to why is the sweetest thing. 

Back in 2020, the Prince released a documentary with ITV titled Prince William: A Planet for Us All where camera crews followed him over a two year time period as he travelled the globe and got stuck in with various environmental efforts. From spending time on the Norfolk coast to visiting Tanzania, the Prince shared that all his hard work in the sector was thanks to three 'little people,' his and Kate Middleton's kids, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Speaking on the programme, he revealed, "I think you realise a lot more when you become a father. I was quite a happy-go-lucky young guy, enjoyed parties and then all of a sudden you go 'Well hang on a second, there's a little person here. I'm responsible for that person'. Now I've got George, Charlotte and now Louis, in my life. Your outlook does change.

"And that's why I had to do something, I had to get involved because I really felt that by the time my children were 20, you know 25, at the rate the poaching was at, there may not have been another rhino in the world. And there probably wouldn’t have been many elephants left at all. It really was that urgent and that critical."

The Royal Family have long been interested in conservation and that interest has been passed down the generations to inspire the continuing of their environmental efforts. Speaking about his father and grandfather's love for nature, Prince William shared, "My grandfather, my father have been in the conservation, the environmental work, for many years.

"My grandfather's well ahead of his time. My father, ahead of his time. And I really want to make sure that, in 20 years, George doesn’t turn round and say 'are you ahead of your time?' Because if he does, we’re too late.

"I thought about that the other day and I, I just thought, you know three generations of the same family saying the same thing.  When will we see the action that everyone so desperately needs and wants?”

And it appears the William is already inspiring his own children to get out into nature and understand the impacts of climate change on the spaces they love to play in. Talking about his oldest son Prince George, who sits second in the royal line of succession, the Prince revealed that he's like a "caged animal" if he can't get outdoors.

He shared, "Seeing my children, seeing the passion in their eyes and the love for being outdoors… They find a bug or they love watching how bees are forming the honey. George particularly, if he's not outdoors he's quite like a caged animal. He needs to get outside."

He also revealed that all his children are 'massive fans' of Sir David Attenborough, whose documentaries such as Frozen Planet II and Wild Isles have inspired many young people to get involved with the environment. 

When William met with Sir David, he spoke with the documentarian about his children, telling him, "They watch all your programmes David, honestly. I've got them quite onto the African ones because I'm quite fond of Africa. But they love all the programmes."

Throughout the show, the Prince also let slip a few insights into what life at home with his children is like. During a visit to Liverpool, a schoolgirl asked the Prince, "Is Princess Charlotte cheekier than Prince George?" To which he replieed, "No they're about as cheeky as each other. They’re very cheeky."

He is also asked, "Has Prince George learnt [taught] you the floss?" Laughing, William shares, "No, Charlotte can floss. She can already floss at four. Yeah, you don't want to see me floss. Catherine can floss but I can't. It's, it's like a really horrible film to watch me floss."

News writer

Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse is a news writer for Goodtoknow, specialising in family content. She began her freelance journalism career after graduating from Nottingham Trent University with an MA in Magazine Journalism, receiving an NCTJ diploma, and earning a First Class BA (Hons) in Journalism at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. She has also worked with BBC Good Food and The Independent.